3 Aug 2009


I got this Mac Mini brought in today for testing a new screen capturing solution we might implement.

It turned out to be a very nice experience. I knew these macs are shiny but they seem to be pretty useful too! After some poking around I found out there is an X Server available, an ssh client was there too. So I could instantly launch some remote X apps.

It turned out, that these macs ship by default with Python (2.3.something) and there is a nice IDE called Xcode which is offered by Apple for free of charge.

Furthermore, what got me excited, was the fact that there are many command line tools and a bash (by default). It is possible to read out information about the system's hardware and configuration via «system_profiler» which seems similar to «wmic» on Win32 and «/proc» on linux.

My next laptop will be a mac book!