6 Mar 2012

Mass Effect 3

Wohooo, Mass Effect 3 is finally here.

gEDA pcb command line arguments

These are the command line arguments for pcb version 20110918:

PCB Printed Circuit Board editing program, http://pcb.gpleda.org
pcb [-h|-V|--copyright]   Help, version, copyright
pcb [gui options]   to edit
Available GUI hid:
 gtk      Gtk - The Gimp Toolkit
pcb -p [printing options]  to print
Available printing hid:
 lpr      Postscript print
pcb -x hid [export options]  to export
Available export hids:
 bom      Exports a Bill of Materials
 gcode    G-CODE export
 gerber   RS-274X (Gerber) export
 nelma    Numerical analysis package export
 png      GIF/JPEG/PNG export
 ps       Postscript export
 eps      Encapsulated Postscript

gtk gui options:
 --listen                       Listen for actions on stdin
 --bg-image             Background Image
 --pcb-menu             Location of gpcb-menu.res file

lpr options:
 --lprcommand           Command to use for printing
 --drill-helper                 Print a centering target in large drill holes
 --align-marks                  Print alignment marks on each sheet
 --outline                      Print outline on each sheet
 --mirror                       Print mirror image of every page
 --fill-page                    Scale board to fill page
 --auto-mirror                  Print mirror image of appropriate layers
 --ps-color                     Prints in color
 --ps-bloat            Amount to add to trace/pad/pin edges
 --ps-invert                    Draw objects as white-on-black

   media type
 --psfade                  Fade amount for assembly drawings (0.0=missing, 
 --scale                   Scale value to compensate for printer sizing 
errors (1.0 = full scale)
 --multi-file                   Produce multiple files, one per page, instead 
of a single file
 --xcalib                  Paper width. Used for x-Axis calibration
 --ycalib                  Paper height. Used for y-Axis calibration
 --drill-copper                 Draw drill holes in pins / vias, instead of 
leaving solid copper
 --show-legend                  Print file name and scale on printout

bom options:
 --bomfile              Name of the BOM output file
 --xyfile               Name of the XY output file
 --xy-unit  XY units

gcode options:
 --basename             File name prefix
 --dpi                     Resolution of intermediate image (pixels/inch)
 --mill-depth              Milling depth
 --safe-Z                  Safe Z for traverse move
 --tool-radius             Milling tool radius compensation
 --drill-depth             Drilling depth
 --measurement-unit  Measurement unit

gerber options:
 --gerberfile           Gerber output file base
 --all-layers                   Output all layers, even empty ones
 --verbose                      Print file names and aperture counts on stdout
 --copy-outline  Copy outline onto other layers
   Naming style for individual gerber files

nelma options:
 --basename             File name prefix
 --dpi                     Horizontal scale factor (grid points/inch)
 --copper-height           Copper layer height (um)
 --substrate-height        Substrate layer height (um)
 --substrate-epsilon       Substrate relative epsilon

png options:
 --outfile              Graphics output file
 --dpi                     Scale factor (pixels/inch). 0 to scale to 
specified size
 --x-max                   Maximum width (pixels).  0 to not constrain
 --y-max                   Maximum height (pixels).  0 to not constrain
 --xy-max                  Maximum width and height (pixels).  0 to not 
 --as-shown                     Export layers as shown on screen
 --monochrome                   Convert to monochrome
 --only-visible                 Limit the bounds of the PNG image to the 
visible items
 --use-alpha                    Make the background and any holes transparent
 --format         Export file format
 --png-bloat            Amount (in/mm/mil/pix) to add to trace/pad/pin 
edges (1 = 1/100 mil)
 --photo-mode                   Photo-realistic export mode
 --photo-flip-x                 Show reverse side of the board, left-right flip
 --photo-flip-y                 Show reverse side of the board, up-down flip

ps options:
 --psfile               Postscript output file
 --drill-helper                 Print a centering target in large drill holes
 --align-marks                  Print alignment marks on each sheet
 --outline                      Print outline on each sheet
 --mirror                       Print mirror image of every page
 --fill-page                    Scale board to fill page
 --auto-mirror                  Print mirror image of appropriate layers
 --ps-color                     Prints in color
 --ps-bloat            Amount to add to trace/pad/pin edges
 --ps-invert                    Draw objects as white-on-black

   media type
 --psfade                  Fade amount for assembly drawings (0.0=missing, 
 --scale                   Scale value to compensate for printer sizing 
errors (1.0 = full scale)
 --multi-file                   Produce multiple files, one per page, instead 
of a single file
 --xcalib                  Paper width. Used for x-Axis calibration
 --ycalib                  Paper height. Used for y-Axis calibration
 --drill-copper                 Draw drill holes in pins / vias, instead of 
leaving solid copper
 --show-legend                  Print file name and scale on printout

eps options:
 --eps-file             Encapsulated Postscript output file
 --eps-scale               EPS scale
 --as-shown                     Export layers as shown on screen
 --monochrome                   Convert to monochrome
 --only-visible                 Limit the bounds of the EPS file to the visible 

Common options:
 --help                         Show help on command line options
 --version                      Show version
 --verbose                      Be verbose on stdout
 --copyright                    Show Copyright
 --show-defaults                Show option defaults
 --show-actions                 Show available actions
 --dump-actions                 Dump actions (for documentation)
 --grid-units           Default grid units (mm|mil)
 --black-color          color value of 'black'
 --white-color          color value of 'white'
 --background-color     color for background
 --crosshair-color      color for the crosshair
 --cross-color          color of the cross
 --via-color            color of vias
 --via-selected-color   color for selected vias
 --pin-color            color of pins
 --pin-selected-color   color of selected pins
 --pin-name-color       color for pin names and pin numbers
 --element-color        color of components
 --rat-color            color of ratlines
 --invisible-objects-color  color of invisible objects
 --invisible-mark-color  color of invisible marks
 --element-selected-color  color of selected components
 --rat-selected-color   color of selected rats
 --connected-color      color to indicate connections
 --off-limit-color      color of off-canvas area
 --grid-color           color of the grid
 --layer-color-1        Color for layer 1
 --layer-color-2        Color for layer 2
 --layer-color-3        Color for layer 3
 --layer-color-4        Color for layer 4
 --layer-color-5        Color for layer 5
 --layer-color-6        Color for layer 6
 --layer-color-7        Color for layer 7
 --layer-color-8        Color for layer 8
 --layer-color-9        Color for layer 9
 --layer-color-10       Color for layer 10
 --layer-color-11       Color for layer 11
 --layer-color-12       Color for layer 12
 --layer-color-13       Color for layer 13
 --layer-color-14       Color for layer 14
 --layer-color-15       Color for layer 15
 --layer-color-16       Color for layer 16
 --layer-selected-color-1  Color for layer 1 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-2  Color for layer 2 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-3  Color for layer 3 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-4  Color for layer 4 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-5  Color for layer 5 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-6  Color for layer 6 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-7  Color for layer 7 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-8  Color for layer 8 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-9  Color for layer 9 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-10  Color for layer 10 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-11  Color for layer 11 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-12  Color for layer 12 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-13  Color for layer 13 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-14  Color for layer 14 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-15  Color for layer 15 when selected
 --layer-selected-color-16  Color for layer 16 when selected
 --warn-color           color of offending objects during DRC
 --mask-color           color for solder mask
 --via-thickness       default diameter of vias in 1/100 mil
 --via-drilling-hole   default diameter of holes
 --line-thickness      initial thickness of new lines
 --rat-thickness       thickness of rat lines
 --keepaway            minimum distance between adjacent copper
 --default-PCB-width   default width of the canvas
 --default-PCB-height  default height of the canvas
 --text-scale              default text scale in percent
 --alignment-distance  distance between the boards outline and 
alignment targets
 --bloat               DRC minimum spacing in 1/100 mil
 --shrink              DRC minimum overlap in 1/100 mils
 --min-width           DRC minimum copper spacing
 --min-silk            DRC minimum silk width
 --min-drill           DRC minimum drill diameter
 --min-ring            DRC minimum annular ring
 --grid                Initial grid size in 1/100 mil
 --minimum polygon area   
 --backup-interval         Time between automatic backups in seconds. Set 
to 0 to disable
 --layer-name-1         Name for layer 1
 --layer-name-2         Name for layer 2
 --layer-name-3         Name for layer 3
 --layer-name-4         Name for layer 4
 --layer-name-5         Name for layer 5
 --layer-name-6         Name for layer 6
 --layer-name-7         Name for layer 7
 --layer-name-8         Name for layer 8
 --groups               Layer group string
 --font-command         Command to load a font
 --file-command         Command to read a file
 --element-command      Command to read a footprint
 --print-file           Command to print to a file
 --lib-command-dir      Path to the command that queries the library
 --lib-command          Command to query the library
   Command to query the contents of the library
 --lib-newlib           Top level directory for the newlib style library
 --save-command         Command to save to a file
 --lib-name             The default filename for the library
 --default-font         File name of default font
 --route-styles         A string that defines the route styles
 --rat-command          Command for reading a netlist
 --font-path            Colon separated list of directories to search 
the default font
 --element-path         A colon separated list of directories or 
commands (starts with '|')
 --lib-path             A colon separated list of directories
 --action-script        If set, this file is executed at startup
 --action-string        If set, this is executed at startup
 --fab-author           Name of author to be put in the Gerber files
 --layer-stack          Initial layer stackup, for setting up an export.
 --make-program         Sets the name and optionally full path to a 
make(3) program
 --gnetlist             Sets the name and optionally full path to the 
gnetlist(3) program
 --pinout-offset-x     Horizontal offset of the pin number display in 
 --pinout-offset-y     Vertical offset of the pin number display in mil
   Horizontal offset of the pin name display in mil
   Vertical offset of the pin name display in mil
 --draw-grid                    If set, draw the grid at start-up
 --clear-line                   If set, new lines clear polygons
 --unique-names                 Prevents identical component names
 --snap-pin                     If set, the cursor snaps to pads and pin centers
 --save-in-tmp                  When set, all data which would otherwise be 
lost are saved in /tmp
 --all-direction-lines          Allow all directions, when drawing new lines
 --show-number                  Pinout shows number
 --reset-after-element          If set, all found connections are reset before 
a new component is scanned
 --ring-bell-finished           Execute the bell command when all rats are 
